Perfectly cooked
Ingredient will be cooked into precise temperature that is best for that particular ingredient.
Retain moisture and juice like no traditional cooking method can
Cook delicate ingredient like eggs to your liking, onsen egg, half cooked egg or perfectly cooked egg.
More nutrition
- Cooking Sous vide, food will not contact with direct heat therefore no nutrition is loss in the process. You will not see water of vegetable dilute into water
Turn cheap cut of meat into juicy tender meat

Sous vide cooking can make your ordinary meat like beef ribs to fall off the bones and still medium rare pink all the way through

For those who are no-carb or low-carb diet, low calorie and lean meat like chicken breast or pork are usually dry and tough. Sous vide can cook those protein into most tender and juicy meal without any oil or butter. Make your diet program easier and effective.
Chicken Breast 148 Calories / Serving
Pork Ternderloin 143
Calories / Serving
Ease of use

No need of high cooking skill, Anyone can use
Set it and forget it, You can leave your food cooked in Sous vide machine without having to worry it overcook or burnt. The food will stay exact temperature you set it. If you are into urgent call there is no worry, also the food will stay hot when you are ready to eat
Cook ahead of time, You can cook food in Sous vide machine ahead of time. Cook in afternoon for dinner or cook main dish like medium rare steaks for 10 people hours before the meal start.